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5 Personalized Automations to Boost Sales for Fitness Businesses

April 12, 20234 min read

At LeadDec, we understand the importance of personalization in marketing. In a previous blog post, we explored the power of personalization and its impact on customer engagement and loyalty (you can check out that blog post by clicking here). Today, we want to dive deeper into the topic and provide specific examples of personalised automations that can boost sales for fitness businesses.

fitness industry background

In this blog post, we will focus on five personalised automations that are tailored to the unique needs and preferences of fitness customers. From creating personalised onboarding experiences to using data analytics to personalise product recommendations, we will provide actionable advice for fitness business owners who want to implement personalised marketing strategies to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

By the end of this post, you'll have a clear understanding of the benefits of personalised automations for fitness businesses and how to apply them to your own marketing strategy. So, let's get started!

Create Personalised Onboarding Experiences

The first step to converting a prospect into a paying customer is to create a personalised onboarding experience. This can be achieved by sending a series of welcome emails that introduce new customers to your fitness programs, trainers, and facilities. You can also offer personalised tours of your facilities and consultations with your trainers to help new customers find the right fitness program for their goals and preferences.
If you run in a similar way to how we used to run our gym and also many of the gyms that we work with, where there is a delay between them purchasing and then a course starting, an onboarding process is a great way to stop buyers remorse and keep them engaged. 

Set Up Automated Follow-Up Campaigns

After a customer has signed up for a class or membership, it's important to keep them engaged and motivated. One way to do this is by setting up automated follow-up campaigns that encourage customers to sign up for additional classes or services. For example, you can send personalised emails or push notifications that offer discounts on personal training sessions or promotions for new classes that align with their fitness goals.
If your front end offer (FEO) is something like a 6 week programme you could be sending out weekly check in messages that highlight additional features or you could arrange check ins and goal setting chats to analyse what they need and upsell from that information!

Use Data Analytics to Personalise Product Recommendations

Data analytics can help you personalise product recommendations based on each customer's past purchases or behaviour. For example, if a customer frequently purchases yoga classes, you can send personalised offers for upcoming yoga events or promotions for related products like yoga mats or blocks. This not only helps to increase sales, but also shows customers that you understand their preferences and value their business.
So, like we talked about above, analysing the kind of classes they come to, how often they’re attending etc. could lead you to upsell in check-ins or have dedicated automations specifically to upsell after a certain time or trigger.

Leverage Personalized Content Marketing

Personalised content marketing can be a powerful way to educate customers about the benefits of your fitness programs and services. For example, you can send personalised emails with workout tips or healthy recipes that align with each customer's fitness goals. You can also create personalised blog posts or videos that showcase success stories from customers with similar goals or backgrounds.
By using
LeadDec, you can filter your customers by tag to make the marketing more specific, e.g. female and male or freetrial and  6week, etc. 

Use Personalized Offers and Promotions

Finally, personalised offers and promotions can incentivize customers to purchase memberships or sign up for classes. For example, you can offer personalised discounts for customers who refer a friend or purchase a membership on their birthday. You can also create personalised promotions that align with each customer's fitness goals, such as a discount on personal training sessions for customers who have completed a certain number of classes.
LeadDec has recently developed the ecosystem where we design completely personalised landing pages and automations for you to send out for specific times of the year, you don’t need to worry about birthday offers or holiday specials as they will be made for you! If you want to check out more about that you can click here to read more.

In conclusion, personalised automations can be a game-changer for your fitness business. By creating personalised onboarding experiences, setting up automated follow-up campaigns, using data analytics to personalise product recommendations, leveraging personalised content marketing, and using personalised offers and promotions, you can boost sales and retain customers in a way that feels personal and meaningful.

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Jess Harris

Jess is the manager and sales specialist for LeadDec!

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